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How to upload IN/OUT attendance events to a log (Text) file by AMS


AMS Attendance Events Log to File Setting 

Log management has become one of the biggest use cases for big data solutions and integrations. AMS now allows the customer to save the IN/OUT attendance events to a log file for further integrations.


To enable this feature, Please create a folder as ''EventsLog''to save the logs in the following path C:\ drive and the Directory for Events Log files and Log file prefix can be set at AMS System Configuration screen, at Control Panel > Configure System screen.

AMS Configure System screen



Once the function has been enabled, AMS Will write a single line of log per event in the file with following format  Example:- 0008312903202123:03:0002

<6 Digit AMS Employee ID><ddMMyyyyhh:mm:ss><EventID> ( IN=01, OUT=02 )

Please refer to below Example log line per event


Ensure the Events Log folder at drive C:/ is having full permissions to AMS IIS Users, and administrators.

Events Log to File configuration changes will not be effective until AMS server IIS is restarted.

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Article ID: 224
Category: AMS Software
Views: 130
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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