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How to convert 26 Bit Format(H10301 ) HID proximity card S/N read by ACTAtek device?

The printed 26bits (H10301 format) HID prox. CSN showed at the card is 31009  42085408-03
So we can tell that the CSN of HID prox. card is  31009  
ACTAtek device's Event Logs remark field showed the CSN is j00000600F2433B    
 ( "j" is the pre-fix of HID prox. type of smart card followed by the hex ASCII characters of CSN  ) 

Conversion steps:
HEX: 600F2433B 
Convert to 26bit Binary: 
-)The 26bit format structure of HID Prox card is defined as follow

Start , Even Parity , 8-bit F/C (=0x01), 16-bit C# (=0x0007), Odd Parity, Checksum (=0x16)  
1 1 00000000 0111100100100001 1 00111011 

-Facility code:00000000=0
-Card S/N:0111100100100001=31009  
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Article ID: 42
Category: General
Views: 14043
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