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How to check whether the AMS API was working fine or not?


1) Make sure the methods in the AMS API are working.

The customer can download the free SOAP UI software, which is a freeware, to test Web Services. The following is the procedure to test the AMS API:

Copy the URI of the WSDL endpoint of the AMS Web API using any Internet browser:

·         Create a new project in SOAP UI and paste the URI of the WSDL endpoint:


·         Test the Login method:



The above Login method was returned with a String value which contains the session number that worked well.  Hope this tiny tutorial will help the customer to figure out whether their AMS API was working properly and implement the code to invoke the Web Services. 



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Article details
Article ID: 48
Category: AMS API
Views: 1991
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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