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Would you please provide step by step quick guide to enroll RFID Smart Card?


To enroll a new user and to associate them with a RFID smart card, please follow the below steps:

1) Login to device's console menu as the super administrator via keypad. (Press "MENU"Keypad Icon below the key F4).
 - Key in Admin ID (A999) press ENTER key.
2) Key in password
- Default password (1) ,press ENTER key.
3) Press enter on the 1st "Add User" icon.
4) Use arrow keys to navigate to "Smart Card" and press enter
5) Press enter on "Smart Card"
6) Key in User ID associated to this user in the system and press ENTER key.
7) Place RFID Smart Card near the FP scanner area  (Screen shows waiting for smart card message)
8) "Success" message will appear after it has completed the registration.
9) Press RETURN key to go back to clock screen .

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Article ID: 22
Category: General
Views: 623
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