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Why do I always get a "Bad Quality" message during FingerPrint enrollment?


If the Users have exceptionally dry or chapped fingers, and the ACTAtek fingerprint scanner cannot accurately get a reading on FingerPrint image, it will display the "Bad Quality" message.


It will be advised to use moisturizer or rub your finger against your FingePrint temple or nose to moisturize the fingers before putting it on the FingePrint scanner for better enrolled FP image captured.


Also,the possible root cause was due to the device's FP scanner was sensitive to the light reflected at its surface. See below picture as an example.


The possible solution was to try to  cover the FP scanner to see if the Bad Quality message keeps looping.Also,please kindly try to use ONE finger during the FP enrollment process.

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Article details
Article ID: 18
Category: General
Views: 1114
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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