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How to resend the registered device's event logs data back to the AMS SaaS domain database?


Step 1.Login to the target domain name device's [Terminal List] page to delete any existing server list(s) first.


Step 2.Login to the target AMS SaaS domain name,and then go to [Access Manager]->[View terminal]->[Details]->  click the [Update] button. 


Step 3.Once done the click,the AMS SaaS will send the 'GENERAL SETTING' sync. job to the device to auto-update the AMS SaaS Agent endpoint URL like below.


http://AMS SaaS server IP address or domain name/AccessServer/AgentService.asmx


Step4.Login to the registered device's [Remote Door Open] page to click [Open the Door] button to generate a new event log ,and then trigger to resend the event logs data.

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Article details
Article ID: 248
Category: AMS SaaS
Views: 197
Rating (Votes): Article not rated yet (0)

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