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How can I reset the IP reader device?


To reset the ACTA3er to default IP address and user data, remove power and carefully unscrew the 4 black screw on the back of the ACTA3er and keep the screws in a safe place.

Carefully separate the front and the back and be careful with the antenna wiring during the process.

Locate the jumper/selectable switch panel located above the 3 capacitors.

There will be a jumper located on the bottom set of the panel (bottom left)



Now power up the ACTA3er
Wait patiently until you heard 2 beeps. Then give it 5 seconds and unplug power.
Move the jumper back to 


Your ACTA3er can now be access with the IP address: or (Please try both IP addresses).

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Article details
Article ID: 41
Category: IP-Reader
Views: 1639
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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