AMS Overview:

“Access Management Suite, the Perfect IoT solution”

The Access Management Suite (AMS) is a Software as a Service (SaaS) that we provide that adds many robust benefits. From the ease of your own smartphone or laptop, have real time control over the inner workings of your company; compile everything from tardiness reports to security limitations to see how each site differs in its needs and strengths.

Access Control Applications: Prevent unauthorized access with specialized clearance and time intervals; who and where people can enter is now entirely in your control.

  1. Real-Time Notifications : Easily Customizable SMS and Email notifications sent to your personal device.
  2. Remote Control: Whether you’re at the office or at home, set parameters and protocols for any device connected to the AMS.
  3. Synchronise Data: Collect data sets from connected ACTAtek devices for your own internal data analytics or enterprise applications.
  4. Duress Lock: In the event of an emergency, initiate a locked down state from any location.

Time Attendance Applications:

  1. Clock-in and out: Custom tailored hours and access time frames for any employee.
  2. Rollcall (emergencies): In emergency situations, access attendance logs to see who was on-site.
  3. Payroll: With ease, track the retention of employees and their hours for accurate expense and project reports; track labor costs on one singular network. Go a step further and see which employees are working over-time.
  4. Holidays: Whatever the occasion,our AMS can help create a unified yearly timeline to track your holidays and their special requirements.
  5. Prevent Ghost Workers and Buddy Punching: Thanks to a combination of multi-factor biometric authentication, you can prevent PIN sharing as well as Ghost Workers.