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How to configure Shift Management,and generate Shift Report?


Add New Shift Schedule:

The AMS shift manager feature is a common function in time attendance software that allows managers to create, edit, and assign shifts to employees. It also helps managers to monitor the attendance, punctuality, and overtime of employees who work in different shifts. Some benefits of using the shift manager feature are:

1. It reduces the manual work and errors involved in scheduling shifts and tracking attendance.

2. It ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations by enforcing rules for breaks, holidays, and minimum hours.

3. It improves employee satisfaction and engagement by allowing them to view and request shifts, swap shifts with others, and take time off.

4. It optimizes the workforce and productivity by matching the demand and supply of labor, avoiding understaffing or overstaffing.


For every unique shift that comprises of different Name and Description, you will have to create them individually in Shift Manager.

A. Provide a Shift Name and Description such that it can easily be recognized 

B. Shift Schedule: Shift schedules functions in the AMS allows you to set up different shift schedules for your organization. You can use the following configuration options to customize the shift schedules:

• Set Days: You can choose which days of the week your shift employees work, from Monday to Sunday. For example, you can set a five-day work week from Monday to Friday.

• Set Start and End Time: You can specify the exact time when your employees start and end their work shifts. For example, you can set a morning shift from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or an evening shift from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

• Set Grace Period: You can define a grace period for the shift start and shift end time. A grace period is a few minutes that your employees can be late or leave early without getting into trouble or losing pay. Grace rounding can be done in different intervals, such as 5, 6, or 15 minutes. For example, if an employee clocks in at 8:53 AM and grace rounding is set at 15-minute intervals, their recorded start time would be rounded to 9:00 AM.

C. Break Schedule:

The break schedule within the shift schedule is a plan that can set how long your employees can take breaks during their work shifts. To create a break schedule within the shift schedule, you need to enable break schedule function that allows you to set up break start and end time of breaks, such as meal breaks, rest breaks, or other breaks. You can also specify the breaks length duration of the break.

After you have assigned your shift details, please click on the “Save” button to create the shift in AMS. 



User Shift Management:


Assign User Shifts The AMS software allows you to assign different shift schedules to your employees. You can use the following steps to assign user shifts:

A. Search users by:

You can find the users you want to assign shifts to by entering their User ID, First name, Last name, or Existing Shift Schedule in the search box. The software will display a list of matching users below the search box.

B. Select Shift to Assign:

You can choose a new shift schedule for the users you want to assign from the drop-down list on the left side of the screen. The list shows the available Shift in AMS. 

C. Assign one or multiple users to the new shift:

You can select one or more users from the search list by mouse click or Ctr+ Mouse click right on to their ID Names. Then, you can click on the Assign button to assign them to the new shift schedule you selected. 

D. Click save button:

After you have assigned the user shifts, you can click on the Save button at the center of the screen to save the changes. The software will show a success message and refresh the screen to display the newly assign users to the shift.



Shifts Auto Report:


AMS Shifts Auto Report allows you to generate a shift report that shows the total working hours of your employees based on their first IN and last OUT events within the shift schedule. You can use the following options to search and generate the report:

A. User ID:

You can enter the User ID of the employee you want to generate the report for. 

B. Select Shift to Report:

You can choose the shift schedule you want to generate the report for from the drop-down list. The list shows the Shift schedule of each available shift. 

C. Start Date and time from(HH:mm):

You can set the start date and time for the report period. The AMS software will only include the events that occurred after the specified date and time. You can use the calendar to select the date, or you can type them manually.

D. End Date and time to(HH:mm):

You can set the end date and time for the report period. The AMS software will only include the events that occurred before the specified date and time. You can use the calendar to select the date, or you can type them manually.

E. Apply Grace Rounding:

You can enable or disable the grace rounding option for the report. Grace rounding is a method that allows you to adjust the clocked hours of your employees to make it easier to calculate their pay and billable hours. If you enable this option, the software will apply the grace rounding settings that you have defined for each shift schedule. If you disable this option, the software will use the exact event times without any rounding.

F. Reset time:

You can set a reset time for the report. A reset time is a time that marks the end of one day and the start of another day. For example, if you set the reset time to 00:00, the software will consider the events that occurred before and after midnight as belonging to different days. If you set the reset time to 06:00, the software will consider the events that occurred before and after 6:00 AM as belonging to different days. This option can be useful if your employees work across midnight or have irregular shift schedules. 

G. Include Terminals:

You can enable or disable the option to include the terminals’ name and serial number in the report. A terminal is the ACTAtek device that records the IN and OUT events of your employees. If you enable this option, the software will show the name and serial number of the terminal that recorded each event. This can help you to identify the location and the device of each event.

H. View report:

You can click on the View report button to generate the report with the above settings. The software will display the report in a table format, showing the user name, shift name, shift start and end time, event time and type, terminal name and serial number (if enabled), and total working hours for each day and for the whole period. You can also export the report to a PDF, Excel or Word file by clicking on the Export button.


Sample Shift Auto Report:



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Article ID: 258
Category: AMS Software
Views: 677
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