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Is there any way we can change the DB name in the AMS control panel DB setup?


Please follow the below steps to setup the AMS DB.



1.Login to AMS [Database Configuration] page

2.Under [Database Type],please select [MySQL] first.Once done,you will be able to see the [Database Name] column.

3.Select [SQL Server] as [Database Type] ,and then you can enter the Database Server address,and also change the 'Database Name'

4.Enter the 'User Name' and 'Password' ,and then click [Setup] button to configure the a new AMS database.See below as an example.



For any SQL connection issue,please referred to the attached file about how to use MS SQL Management Software to do the cross check about the SQL connection settings.

5.Once done,you can continue to configure the [Server Setup] to finish the installation.


ams_db_connection.jpg ams_db_connection.jpg

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Article details
Article ID: 46
Category: AMS Software
Views: 34347
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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