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» Category: ACTAtek4  (Go back)

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Where can I download ACTAtek4 brochures files?
Where can I download the high-quality image of the ACTAtek device?
Where can I download ACTAtek4 quick guide and user manual files?
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Access control
When Users try to access the device,the device is showing "Unauthorized" rejection? Why ?
What were Event Logs "Case Is Opened" and "Case is Closed" about?
How to connect ACTAtek device with Fire alarm Interface to manage emergency situations?
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Time and Attendance
A step-by-step guide for employees to register their attendance remotely using the ACTAtek device's "Add User Record" function?
Can you please advise if ACTAtek4 has an alarm/ noise to identify break times?Our client would like an alarm sound to trigger from the terminal when there are scheduled break times.
Can you explain about how to use the new Job code function to support the job costing dialogues ?
Wiegand output integration
How to make ACTAtek device's wiegand output work with the 3rd party controller's 26bit wiegand input?
Where can I download ACTAtek4 Wiegand configuration file?
ACTAtek Firmware & Patches Upgrade
How to upgrade your firmware and apply optional patches
Firmware Force Upgrade

» Articles in this category:

The type of RFID cards that ACTAtek4 smart card model supports. Article not rated yet
How to enable the device's DDNS setting? Article rated 3.0/5.0
First of all,the client will need to sign up  a DDNS account . After that,the client will have the below Login details to be entered into the device's DDNS page. And then click [Submit] ...

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