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With experience that dates back to more than a century ago, Keppel Shipyard based in Singapore has become a leading ship repair yards in the world, having proven its reliability and commitment to excellence in ship repair, conversion and construction services time and again.

  • Keppel Shipyard has approximately a total of 2000+ Shipyard workers on the premises.
  • Required a robust Access Control system, and also a Time Attendance system that offered advanced authentication methods such as biometric fingerprint and smart card technology together for their security needs, and seamlessly integrate with their ERP system.
  • They also required the solution to allow multiple site installations that can be synchronised up to a central server to reduce the need for the worker to enrol at every single terminal.

Keppel Shipyards contacted Jakin ID partner to provide them with the right solutions for their needs. Jakin ID recommended them the award-winning hardware together with the cloud server application solution, AMS software.

  • IP 65 certified Jakin ID Combination Fingerprint and MiFare Units used on site for outdoor installation.
  • Jakin ID units are registered with the AMS software via the Internet Cloud for unified synchronisation between different remote offices.
  • Every Shipyard worker is assigned a Jakin ID encrypted MiFare Smartcard.
  • To take daily time attendance, the Shipyard worker scans their Mifare Smartcard, followed by placing their Fingerprint for 2 factors verification.
  • Dual Authentication allows increased accuracy and thus greatly reduces the chances of FAR (False-Acceptance Ratio).
  • Jakin ID units are placed inside a container for Shipyard workers to take time attendance. Some Jakin ID units are configured as “IN”, while the other units would be configured as “OUT”.
  • Shipyard workers would log their attendance at any of the “IN” Jakin ID units when they are reporting for work. Once they are knocked off from work, they would log their attendance at any of the “OUT” Jakin ID units.
  • TCP/IP network connection would be available inside the container.

With the scale of the project, Jakin ID successfully implemented a solid and robust time attendance system that catered Keppel Shipyard’s needs to their satisfaction, praising ease of use, benefits of the new technology on offer and costs savings from additional hardware and time to implement.

Also, the implementation of ACTAtek and AMS management solution for both access control and workforce management instead of two separate access control systems and time clocks save purchasing, operational and maintenance costs for the Keppel Shipyard.



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